Training Module
Psycho-social Counselling Skills - Training
Price: R 9, 750.00/day facilitation rate (Max 25 delegates)

Target market:
HIV/AIDS Peer Educators, Champions of Wellness, Community Workers and Care Givers.
SAQA Unit Standard Aligned Training
- SAQA US ID 114941 NQF Level 3 (Credits 4) Apply knowledge of HIV/AIDS to a specific business sector and a workplace
- SAQA US ID 13169 NQF Level 1 (Credits 4) Describe and discuss issues related to HIV/AIDS, TB and sexually transmitted illnesses and their impact on the workplace.
- SAQA US ID 13203 NQF Level 5 (Credits 3) Counsel Workgroup members in respect of HIV/AIDS
- SAQA US ID 14729 NQF Level 4(Credits 3) Provide HIV pre-test information and support
Course Duration:
(3) Three full days.
Training Objectives:
The aim of this training program is:
•To provide delegates with psycho-social counselling skills.
•To equip the delegate with the ability to help their clients deal with personal issues within the context of the realities they find themselves in.
Course Content:
- The Importance of sex and sexuality education
- Safer sex and sexual behavioural change
- Behavioural change theory
- Counselling skills
- Understanding the need for counselling
- The psych-social perspective to counselling
- Important skills in counselling
- Types of counselling
- Champions of self
- Empathy versus Sympathy
- Substance abuse counselling
- Pre and post-test counselling
- Crisis counselling
- Maintenance counselling
- Do and don’t in counselling
- Important skills in counselling
Additional Information
Costs Training Fee/s
3 Day Training Courses: - For HIV/AIDS Peer Educators, Champions of Wellness, Community Workers and Care Givers.
- The listed training facilitation fees indicated below, are applicable where training modules are provided by Positively Alive at the clients own training premises, venues and/or facilities.
- The fees quoted exclude the costs of all meals, refreshments and any other miscellaneous items provided by the clients to the delegates.
- Handouts, worksheets and any other training aids provided by Positively Alive are included in the per delegate rate charged unless specified. (Training manuals, issued to delegates, as specified below will be billed at cost to the client)
(Based on a minimum of 6 delegates but limited to a maximum of 25 delegates)
Daily training facilitation rate @ R 9, 750.00 / day. (R 29, 250.00 for the three days)
+ R 80.00/delegate cost of printed manuals, evaluation and certification etc
Discounts are available if clients are booking for more than one training session. Please make inquiries about discount rates for multiple training sessions. Should you not have large numbers of delegates please inquire about special price structures.